Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Zeus the blind Owl With Eyes Like twinkling galaxies

One morning, someone in Southern California found an injured owl on their porch. It turned out to be a blind Western Screech Owl with eyes that look like a starry night. After a visit to the vet, the owl found a new permanent home at the Wildlife Learning Center in Sylmar, California. He was named “Zeus” after the Greek god of sky and thunder because of his stunning eyes.

Zeus was injured when he was found on that front porch in South California, but the dedicated team of animal lovers at the center helped him on his feet again. Since he was blind, they couldn’t simply release him back into the wild, so he now lives in a trunk on the filing cabinet next to Wildlife Learning Center founder Paul Hahn’s desk.

As for the galaxy-like formations in Zeus's eyes, they're likely vitreous strands. Eyes are filled with a jelly-like substance called vitreous, which often has strands and clumps of collagen floating around it (a.k.a. 'floaters'). Also, Zeus doesn't appear to have an iris or lens.
Zeuss is very friendly and loves to be near people, so if you’re ever in California, be sure to visit him and his friends in the Wildlife Learning Center
“It is really special that Zeus’ disability is causing so many people to be aware and care for screech owls and our environment everywhere. He truly is an ambassador to his species”
He even has a toy friend and loves Halloween!

Source: wildlifelearningcenter.com

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