Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The First words of James Aspey the 365 Days Voiceless Man for animals!

voiceless for 365

Starting January 1st, 2014, James Aspey commenced a journey around Australia whilst engaging in a vow of silence for 365 days, sacrificing his ability to speak for the entire year!

The Mission was to raise awareness of the cruel ways in which humans currently exploit other animals for food, clothing, entertainment, and testing, show how delicious and awesome vegan food is and prove that by consuming no animal products we can live a perfectly healthy and potentially healthier life. That goes for athletes, children, breast feeding mothers, and everyone else.

While undertaking the vow of silence, James  travelled around Australia in a campervan stopping at some of Australia's most iconic locations and doing my best to promote a more compassionate way of living to benefit both human and non-human earthlings.

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